Accounts Executive Jobs Opening in Numerographics at Ashok Vihar, Azadpur, Pitampura, DelhiLess
Responsibilities and Duties: Billing and InvoicingPayables ManagementBank ReconciliationPetty Cash ManagementDebit Note/Credit NoteImport/Export DocumentationCustomer CorrespondenceBanking CorrespondenceForeign Remittance & Interest CalculationAccounts FinalizationManage and oversee daily financial transactionsEnsure compliance with accounting regulations and principlesPrepare and maintain financial statements and reportsAssist in budgeting and forecasting processesReconcile bank statements and resolve discrepanciesSupport internal and external auditsMaintain accurate financial records and ledgersMore information about this Accounts Executive JobPlease go through the below FAQs to get all answers related to the given Accounts Executive jobWhat are the job requirements to apply for this Accounts Executive job position?
Ans: A candidate must have a minimum of 0 to 2 year experience as an Accounts Executive What is the qualification for this job? Ans: The candidate can be a Graduate from any of the following: Diploma, Certificate Course (ITI), B.Com, BA, BBA/BBM, BSc, Vocational Training, 12th Pass (HSE) What is the hiring Process of this job?Ans: The hiring process all depends on the company. Normally for an entry level, hiring the candidate has to go for Aptitude, GD (If they look for communication),Technical test and face to face interviews.This Accounts Executive is a work from home job?
Ans: No ,its not a Work from Home Job. How many job vacancies are opening for the Accounts Executive position? Ans: There are immediate 1 job openings for Accounts Executive in our Organisation.
Certificate Course (ITI)(Manufacturing Engineering, Printing Technology, Production Engineering), Diploma(Computer Science & Engineering, Front Office, Printing Technology), B.Com(Commerce, Accounting, Actuarial Science, Auditing, Banking and Insurance, Business Intelligence, Business Process Management, Chartered Accountancy, Digital Business, Digital Finance, E-Commerce, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Financial Markets, International Accounting, International Accounting & Finance, International Business, International Finance, Investment Banking, Investment Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Management, Management & Finance, Marketing, Service Industry Management, Strategic Finance Honours, Taxation, Corporate Secretaryship, Banking & Capital Markets, Financial Analytics, Advanced Accounting and Auditing (AAA), Fintech), BA(Accountancy, Bank Management, Business Economics, Commerce, Economics, Business Economics), BBA/BBM, BSc(Mathematics / Applied Mathematics, Multimedia and Animation, Visual Communication, Actuarial and Financial Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Applied Statistics), 12th Pass (HSE), Vocational Training