4k daily 120k monthly very beautiful girls as my personal secretary part time Personal secretary
Desires unlimited Bangalore Part-time ₹1,30,000/year
I want very beautiful girls as my personal secretary Age maximum 25 Intrested girls should send full details and images Without full details and images don't expect any reply
Desires unlimitedBangalore
Want beautiful girls as part time personal secretary 3 k daily 90k per month Few hours daily Intrested girls should send full details and images...
Sustainability EconomicsBangalore
for notices, etc. issued by various governmental authorities.
• Handling Secretarial Compliances
Education and Experience:
Domain expertise and qualifications include, but are not limited to:
• CA, MBA in Finance or equivalent. Basic understanding...
Desires unlimitedBangalore
I want very beautiful girls as my personal secretary Every sunday morning 11.30 to evening 7.30...